Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Insanely Good Olive Bread

"Olive bread is a kick in the pants to all the garlic breads of your past (it's almost shameful). Be embarrassed, garlic breads...you slacker, you!"   

                                                                -Author,  Me

 With this crazy warm weather, we want to eat light. Then 10 minutes later, we get zapped with cold and want to eat a bit heavier. Welcome to New England!

 This recipe is perfect for being in the middle!


Served with a side arugula salad or grilled aubergine w/fresh marinara, all the nooks and crannies of your tummies will be filled without feeling too heavy.

*This is meatless dish*


Italian Bread, cut in half length-wise
1 can of pit-less black olives, drained & chopped
1 6oz jar of green olives w/pimentos, drained & chopped
1 stick of butter, softened
1/2 cup of mayo
3/4 lb of shredded Monteray Jack Cheese
1/4 cup finely chopped mushrooms
1 clove of garlic, minced or 1 tsp of jarred minced garlic

Freshly cracked pepper (about 3-4 spins on the pepper mill)

Mix the above ingredients in a large bowl

Carefully, apply a thick layer of above ingredients onto each side of the bread.
(Ingredients will cook down a bit, so don't worry if it appears too thick)

Preheat oven at 375 degrees

Bake, on cookie sheet, for 20-25 minutes

Mangia, baby!

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