Thursday, July 21, 2011

Mexican Corn On The Cob (Elote)

Every year I look forward to summer. One of the reasons is because I love corn on the cob incredibly much. I start thinking about corn on the cob in March and by the time the Corn season rolls around, I am beyond ready for it! So, I knew I had to try Elote (Mexican Corn On The Cob).

I am realizing that this culture typically only uses mayonnaise for sandwiches & summer salads. Which is fine...but we've got a lot to learn! When I went to Germany, mayo was a dipping sauce for the french fries. And now...I learn mayo is used on corn on the cob in Mexican culture! The thought of the two foods that are closest to my heart being mixed with a condiment that was not even in my top 5--I was never considering to even go there. But...I did.

It. Is. Delicious.

So I came to share my new knowledge with y'all! (Do you see how much I love you??)

This will be a very informal recipe, since corn is a very personal eating experience for me (I like to see my butter. Dont judge me). Besides, I am sure there is no measuring on the Mexican street food trucks, eh?

Elote (Mexican Corn On The Cob)

In this order

-ears o' corn, shucked & grilled (about 7 minutes on the grill)
-melted butter (use as much as you feel-I won't look)
-grated cotija cheese (shaved Parmesan is also good)
-a bit of salt
-sprinkled chili powder
-4 wedges lime to squeeze over corn

Et Voila!

Yummage! (Yummy en Francais?)



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