Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Recipe Book: "The Skinny Country" by Chef Fabio Viviani

I was so nervous to make this dish. I think Top Chef psyched me out. So many Chefs went home because their Risotto was cooked wrong; "Too stiff", "not the right consistency", really freaked me out. I never had Risotto before, so I had no expectations on the flavour whatsoever.

I bought the chicken stock--which was a tiny bit under 4 cups for the box. This recipe calls for 4-5 cups of chicken stock and means it. I need to learn how to chop the onions a bit finer, but that will come with more experience and not something that took away from the flavour.

After spending about 10 minutes rinsing my crying eyes, I started to caramelize the onions as the chicken stock was heating up. I added the rice and should have let it soak the olive oil just a tiny bit longer, but I was so nervous (and hungry!).By the time I added the wine, the smell was amazing---then to add the chicken stock on top of that--WOW! Not something I ever smelled before...ever. I love that. Smelling food combinations for the first time, that just work. It is like a new world--stimulating the senses and awakening an appreciation for the creativity of real cooking.

The Risotto I made tonight was delicious. The layers of flavour were unexpected. You taste the wine, you taste the parmesan, you taste the chicken stock...but in dimensions. In layers. The consistency that mine came out in tonight, would have gotten me voted off Top Chef island, and probably a nuggie from Chef Viviani, but...I will make this again (it is a staple now, forever). It is something I would miss if I never had it again. It is that good!

As far as the title being "The Skinny Country"--if everything tastes this good, I can't see that happening! (especially since I just went into the fridge and scooped a spoonful out, cold!)

I know...shameful girl!


1 comment:

  1. Update on this recipe: After making this risotto 5 times, I have gotten the hang of it and am rolling-on-the-floor happy about it! DELICIOUS!!!
