Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Original Pizzeria Regina

Discovering My Dream At Pizzeria Regina

Yeah, I know this is supposed to be about me actually cooking something, but I have to share this knowledge...experience with y'all. You will thank me for this life changing information.'re welcome.

I went to North End Boston today. I spent the day there...just walking around. I visited a few friends, had some gelato on Hanover, went to Modern's Pastry for a "to go" cannoli, got some Burrata for home.... and stood 45 minutes in line, in the the hot sun, to my childhood pizza joint, Regina's on Thacher Street. This is the original Pizzeria Regina. The place that started it all. The place where we learned that pizza, dripping in garlic & crushed red pepper infused olive oil, was in fact the only way pizza should ever be eaten (along with a glass of Chianti, of course). The real deal, folks. You will love me forever...put me in your your children after me, once you try this pizza.

Now...I didn't grow up in Boston, as most of you know. No...we drove from quite far, almost every weekend, for our (actually, my father's) pizza fix. These streets in the North End, however, feel like home to me. Yes, some things have changed. But it only takes a moment of looking at all the Art Nouveau detailed copper facades on the buildings to take me back in time; still faintly hearing my French-Canadian father say, "Yo Vinnie...get me a cannoli" in his best Italian accent.

But most importantly, it was these streets....this Regina's restaurant that started my personal dream of being a Designer, at 12 years old.

The life changing moment:
One day, we were walking out of Regina's and there was a woman walking passed us, wearing all black. Meters of fabric, as her skirt, wrapped several times around her tiny waist, carelessly tied with a ginormous safety pin. I looked at her, then looked at my fathers face (his eyes were rolling, if I remember correctly) and decided at that moment what I wanted to do with my life.

And here I am, doing what I've always dreamed of doing...(with a very proud daddy). I can't say it was the pizza...but I am sure it helped! :o)

Ciao Bella's!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Yanny's French Toast

FYI: The earliest official mention of French Toast is in the Apicius, a collection of French recipes dating back to the 4th or 5th century!

Looking for a restaurant while in Clearwater,Florida, I read about this place that made french toast called, "Yanny's" in Clearwater, Florida. This place is funny. Mismatched mugs, in a mini-mall, no special signage, very casual setting...but the reviews are AMAZING! And I can see why!

Ta-Dahhhh....isn't this wacky huge?! And it's delicious! No syrup needed--it is covered in cinnamon & powdered sugar (and for a Canadian to say, "no syrup needed"? unheard of!...).

I'm full. :o)

Ciao Bella's!